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Amazing new sci-fi poster added

I just added an amazing poster showing the relative sizes of hundreds (thousands?) of sci-fi spaceships, from Star Wars, Star Trek, Farscape, Firefly, Warhammer, and other TV shows, movies, and video games. It contains an incredible amount of detail and makes one enormous poster. The artist (Dirk Loechel) isn't asking any money for it, and gives permission for people to print it (or make posters out of it).

I posted a thumbnail of the poster to the Fun Photos page. Just click the image and it will take you to Loeschel's web page containing the full-size image. It's condensed on the page, so to see a medium-sized image (big enough to see most of the ships, but not big enough to read the text) click once on the image. For the full high-res image, click twice. Then simply scroll around the image to see various parts. (Below the image is a FAQs section you might want to browse as well.)

To show you the immense amount of detail in this poster, here are three screen caps of the upper-left corner, the lower-right corner, and somewhere near the center. Each of these images represents about 5-6% of the total image. It's impressive.

I hope you enjoy it.


Upper left


Lower-right corner

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